Tag Archives: dancing

an exciting pair are we

Yesterday was our all-official two year anniversary, and it was a really, really good day.  Wait till you hear about the excitement of our lives… you will be blown away, for sure.  Well, if you are like us and your usual version of “celebration” involves playing boardgames.

So we slept in, meaning I woke up at 7:30, and had a slow, relaxing morning.  Tea, breakfast, a job offer (!).  You know, same ol’, same ol’.  Then I went to see my wonderful therapist (see: healthy habits) and then our dates began!  We decided to go back to the jeweler we had visited a couple of weeks ago, where we had fallen in love with some rings that were way outside our budget and fallen in like with some rings that were closer to our budget.  The intention of this visit was to fall in love with the in-like rings and fall out of love with the out-of-our-budget rings. Mission unaccomplished.  We fell more in love with the expensive rings, less in like with the affordable rings, and are trying to figure out how to raise a ton of money so we can have pretty things.  I think usually I’m pretty good at budgeting and priorities, but this time the swoon is taking over the logic.  It helps that we love the jewelers and the atmosphere of this particular place.

Then! Then we went out to dinner.  We went to this pizza restaurant in our town that is unlike any other pizza place I have ever been to.  One, it has the cutest little salads! They are delicious and look gourmet!  And two, the pizzas were AMAZING. Omg. I’ve never eaten anything this delicious.  We briefly considered asking them to cater our wedding with brunch pizzas, but then we realized that might be pushing it a bit.

My lovely fiancee got this in a salad (is your mouth watering?): Beet, Kimball Farm’s Apple, Red Onion, Verrill Farm’s Parsley, Toasted Hazelnut, and Goat Cheese Salad with Eva’s Pea Greens and Citrus Vinaigrette. I got this as a pizza: Smoked Salmon, Creme Fraiche, Caramelized Onions, Red Onions, Capers, Dill, and Lemon Vinaigrette.  Even the leftovers are delicious. SO GOOD.

And then! Then!  We went contradancing.  That’s right, we actually left our house in the evening time and went out into the world where we interacted with strangers.  And DANCED.  Seriously.

So, if you’ve never heard of contradancing, you are totally missing out.  It’s sort of goofy and totally crunchy, and one of the most fun things I have done.  It’s a big deal at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival we go to every year, and a certain couple we know had contradancing at their wedding last summer, where the caller didn’t use “man” and “woman” (which would have been crazy confusing at a lesbian wedding), but “star” and “moon,” which is so wonderful!  Um, yes, count me crunchy.

Contradancing is like line dancing meet swing dancing with bluegrass music, some stomping, and the occasional happy hooting.  You can do it if you’ve been doing it for years and you can do it if you’re learning the song as the caller is calling it. I could not find a video of contradancing that didn’t look totally dorky, but that’s because it is dorky, and it’s wonderful, and we are excited. So here you go:

And now it turns out that the band that played last night, and was awesome, might be able to play at our wedding! And did I mention Turtle got a job offer? And it was a beautiful sunny day today? And that I didn’t have to work till 3 today, so the loveliness extended into today?

What is your perfect day like?  What was a good anniversary/birthday/celebration day for you?

I hope that wherever you were today, the weather was wonderful, and you got to enjoy it!

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